I collected a number of hobbies that come and go in phases. I love to experiment and create things. I like to incorporate my programming skills into whatever hobby I'm focusing on at the moment.
My family and I enjoy playing board games and we've been slowly building a game collection. Related to gaming, I enjoy painting the miniatures from our board games and you can find examples of my work on Instagram. I've also designed and build a number of inserts for our games in foam core and more recently with a 3D printer. I'm slowly uploading those designs to my Thingiverse account.
In the past I did a lot of homebrewing. Michael Manfre and I built and run Brewed By Us, a homebrewing recipe collection website. I'm best known for my Chocolate Peppermint Stout which I used to make each year during the holidays. Most of the beers I've made can be found on my profile.